
Our Goal: By 2030, we will double the number of Monroe County residents with a degree or valuable credential from 30% to 60%

By 2030, the goal is to increase the post secondary achievement of Monroe County residents to 60%, by promoting a postsecondary education culture and supporting education programs aimed at improving the academic performance for all students.

Education Opens Doors

Monroe County College Access Network

The mission of the Monroe County College Access Network (MCAN) is to increase postsecondary achievement of Monroe County residents by promoting a postsecondary educational culture.

As a member of the of MCAN The Community Foundation is active in their mission to increase Michigan’s college readiness, participation and Completion rates, particularly among low-income students, first-generation college-going students and students of color.  The goal is to increase Michigan’s post-secondary education attainment rate from 45.5% to 60% by the year 2030 in line with the state’s Sixty by 30 focus. 


Closing the Broadband Gap

Many students in our rural districts have limited access to necessary digital resources. A parent survey was sent out to students; parents were asked the level of internet access at each home. Of the 20,654 students in Monroe County public schools districts, 1,317 students do not have internet access in their homes.

The lack of broadband services creates additional barriers for these students (mostly in low-income families) to quality education. This inequality impacts their ability to learn and puts them behind their peers.

Education Initiatives

Child care tuition scholarships for pre-school

Child Care Network, City of Monroe, received $10,000 for its Family Support Program, which provides child care tuition scholarships for pre-school to children in need. Funds were made available from the Kellogg Youth Fund.