Impact Funds

The Community Foundation of Monroe County takes pride in our ability to positively affect unique situations throughout our local community. Our Trustees are charged with the responsibility to understand the community’s needs and to initiate action to fulfill them.

Each member of the Board of Trustees must work to achieve the goal of the Foundation to improve the cultural, economic, educational and environmental quality of life within Monroe County, Michigan.

Permanently Endowed Funds

Learn about a variety of permanent funds that help to improve and support Monroe County.

Scholarship Funds

Scholarship Funds can be established by any person who would like to support the education of a student or students at any level. Scholarships are the only grants the Community Foundation makes to individuals.

Special Project Funds

Sometimes a short term need for funding to carry out a program or project which will be of long term benefit to Monroe County. In such cases, the Community Foundation has the ability to establish Special Project Funds as a service to the community.

How to Start A Fund

The Community Foundation exists to help caring people like you give back to the causes and community you care about most. We make giving easy and effective and can establish your fund in five simple steps.

Need Something?

Contact our staff and we would be happy to help you out.

Kathleen Russeau

Executive Director

(734) 242-1976

Michele Sandiefer

Accounting and Communication Specialist

(734) 242-1976